Eastport, MI February 2010: Tim Paczesny, founder of Education Outdoors, Inc. has created a new family game called Snipe™. Debuting at the New York International Toy Fair, the new, indoor/outdoor game is a perfect compliment to the popular CAMP™ brand. Paczesny’s passion for the great outdoors sparked his concept based on the beloved campfire legend known as the “Snipe Hunt”.
“I wanted to create a game that would challenge families to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors.” Says Paczseny, “ As a company it’s our obligation to encourage active play, the Snipe game does just that.”

In 2006 Education Outdoors, Inc. released it’s staple CAMP board game to specialty and outdoor retailers. The unique selling proposition of the game was the multi-level playability, where a whole family could play at the same time, (hence the name: “The Game that Grows with You”). The success of the game brought a full line of products, including a 2nd Edition CAMP booster pack, CAMP Activity book, and wooden Travel game.
The Snipe hunt game can be played with two people, two teams or special * single seeker play, and incorporates both indoor/outdoor activity and good old fashion fun. The object of Snipe is Be the first team/person to find the other team/persons snipe and return it to its nest.
After the players have hidden their snipe the other player will try to find it. After a period of time, if the Snipe shave not been discovered, they will chirp and then their eyes will light up.
Each game comes with two snipes, (named Biela and Smartin) and a Snipe nest. The packaging tells the story behind the legendary campfire animals. Keep your eyes peeled for more family oriented toys & games from Education Outdoors, Inc. Visit: www.EducationOutdoors.net for more info

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